There is a New Company on the block, and they may just turn a few heads in the direct selling niche. It is called ID Life and they offer individual vitamin packs that is designed for your own health.

Why didn’t I think of that? It seems like a great company, which is lead by an all-star in direct selling himself! Logan Stout who has been a top-level earner and a heavy hitter within the network marketing community.
He has also done so much for his own community as well. ID has a place on their website that enables customers to take their own health assessment.
Talk about easy work! No Doctor’s office, no lines, no insurance issues as that seems to be an issue everyday these days.
You take assessment and based on what you answered in that assessment will they recommend the vitamins and dietary supplements that your body needs to sustain and live a healthy lifestyle.
Question? Where was this kind of service like 10 years ago? Seems like we should have quit our St. Louis Plumbers gig a long time ago right?
Logan Stout is determined to lift this company off the ground which it is poised to do some damage in the health and fitness niche.
Think about it, you have all of these “shake” companies but still millions and billions of dollars are still being spent on other health supplements.
People still need fish oil, some people have sleeping problems.
ID products my just help. On top of that it is very difficult to eat or consume all of the body’s nutrients to be healthy every single day.
Most doctor’s will suggest that you use over the counter vitamins, minerals, or some type of multi-vitamin to ensure your body at least gets a small dose of the healthy nutrients it needs.
Watch below as Logan Stout speaks about his Lansing Plastic Surgery business meeting event that took place near Frisco Texas.
Mr. Stout seems like a great guy and sounds like he is a great leader! It will be interesting to see where he takes his new company.
Of course just like with most direct selling companies there are promoters/consultants/associates who advertise and help promote the company product.
So what does that usually mean?
This means that there will be plenty of FREE samples to go around since all of the promoters will be going around trying to recruit more people into their business.
This is what Newked Marketing is all about free stuff! Here at Pam’s we like to offer discounts, coupons, and other ways for people to either save money, get money, or make more money.
We will also offer tips and ideas to make money through the direct selling niche as well.
That is all for now This is Pam signing off!
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